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Since 2022
Switzerland (HQ)
LocaMos Global Ag, a pioneering enterprise in the combined MarTech technology and blockchain sector, has officially become a member of the Crypto Valley Association. This is the significant step in LocaMos's integration journey on the path to bringing Crypto into everyday life.
LocaMos Global Ag proudly announces that they have become a member of the Crypto Valley Association. This marks a significant step in their development and expresses their strong commitment to active collaboration and participation in the global blockchain and cryptocurrency community.
"We believe that becoming a member of the Crypto Valley Association will open up significant collaboration opportunities and drive our development in the coming time," shared the representative of LocaMos Global AG.
After having a successful trip to the city of Zug - renowned as Crypto Valley, LocaMos Global Ag participated in the CV Summit 2023 event, a crucial opportunity to share their strategic insights and learn from investments and leading experts in the fields of blockchain and cryptocurrency. LocaMos also engaged in a significant meeting with the COO of the Cardano Foundation, Andreas Pletscher, to discuss about potential collaborations, especially in education supporting and blockchain research.
Right after the event, the LocaMos delegation also visited the headquarters of CVVC and CVLabs, seizing the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with the Crypto Valley community. LocaMos’s representatives were also invited to visit and collaborate at University of Zurich’s Blockchain research center, where LocaMos shared experiences and learned from leading experts in this field.
These proactive activities are not only opportunities to showcase LocaMos' technology but also a journey of collaboration, affirming LocaMos’s position as the pioneering startup enterprise in the global technology community.