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Company Detail

Co-Labs SG Pte. Ltd.

Advisory / Consultancy / Law Firm
Corporate and Commercial
Company ID
SFA Member
Business Model
Not Specified
About Co-Labs

The Co-Labs initiative is a global ecosystem designed by Change Gap in response to the increasing volume and urgency of risks and regulatory requirements faced by financial services firms. Increasing focus on Sustainability and ESG means that firms need solutions that help them address risks in a more joined-up way, which includes managing data and addressing gaps.

Open standards, transparency, interoperability, and adaptability are a key focus for Co-Labs, ensuring solutions are ‘built to last’ – or in other words, more sustainable. Learn from industry practitioners and data management experts as they walk through real use cases and how collaboration is the only way to solve sustainability challenges, sustainably.

Co-Labs Singapore

Co-Labs Singapore will be its first offshore entity for Change Gap to expand its vision beyond UK. Co-Labs Singapore will be the headquarter covering the APAC region and focusing on key regulatory issues such as ESG, Financial Crimes and Digital Assets. Leveraging on resources within APAC and other countries, it allows for localisation while maintaining abreast with aligning with the international trends. Started off with Sarah Sinclair, founder of Change Gap, Desmond Yong, co-founder of Co-founder of Co-Labs Singapore and founder of Meta Alpha, and Matthew Terry, co-founder of Co-Labs Singapore. Between them, they helm rich experience in the target areas of focus for Co-Labs Singapore and will be reaching out to more experts and resources in coming months to join them in the quest to build a global collaborative ecosystem to tackle the evolving complex regulatory issues.