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Company Detail

MonetaGo Asia Pacific Private Limited

Company ID
SFA Member
Business Model
Business Est.
Since 2020
United States (HQ), Others, Singapore, United Kingdom
FinTech Certified
07/21 (Expired)
2024 BCR - BCR RFIx24 Awards: Most Innovative Technology Vendor of the Year

2023 IBS Intelligence - Fintech Innovation Awards: Best Trade Finance Implementation: Best Program Vision

2023 GTR - GTR Leaders in Trade Awards: Best Fintech in Trade
MonetaGo empowers finance and trade industries to solve for systemic risks through privacy preserving digitization and fraud mitigation at scale. The award-winning Secure Financing system, built to scale at the global level to support multiple use cases, positions MonetaGo as the world’s foremost provider of fraud prevention technology.

Recent events around the world show that fraud can be perpetrated over long periods of time, to be discovered only when disruptions to operations occur causing fraudsters to be unable to repay their financiers.

Closed ecosystems and standalone in-country solutions can only mitigate risk within narrowly defined digital islands or domestic boundaries and do not address global, cross-border risk.

By reducing fraud in trade finance, MonetaGo’s business activities align with worldwide political and regulatory mandates that empower institutions to sustain supply chains and extend their books of business into new markets and underserved sectors, all while maintaining the privacy and enabling critical real-time decision-making.