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Company Detail

QCC Services Pte. Ltd.

Regulatory and Compliance
Company ID
SFA Member
Business Model
B2B  B2C  
Business Est.
Since 2020
China (HQ), Hong Kong, Others
2024 Hurun Global Unicorn Enterprise

Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Science and Technology Award

2023 Chinese Internet Technology Company Top 100
With the headquarters in the China-Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park within the Jiangsu Free Trade Zone, we are a company focused on big data services. It is dedicated to empowering businesses with commercial data and analytical capabilities to drive efficient growth.

QCC, a flagship enterprise information inquiry platform under the company, is based on the integration of multi-dimensional corporate credit information. Leveraging advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data mining, and visual analytics, combined with self-developed risk control models and business credit evaluation reports, it provides enterprise clients with a one-stop solution.