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Company Detail


Advisory / Consultancy / Law Firm
Regulatory and Compliance
Company ID
SFA Member
Business Model
Business Est.
>5 year(s)
United Kingdom (HQ), Others, Singapore, Spain
Helping Your Financial Institution Thrive
At FINTRAIL, we understand the challenges faced by payment providers, digital banks, and other financial institutions in the Asia-Pacific region. We specialise in helping you stay safe from financial crime and meet regulatory requirements.

Our team is your team.
Our experts have extensive experience having worked at leading banks and FinTech companies. They've been there, done that, and know what it takes to build strong Anti-Financial Crime (AFC) programs.

Beyond the tick box.
We go beyond just advice. We help you design, implement, and improve your AFC program, using data and technology to make it work for you. Our goal is to make sure your program is effective and helps you avoid problems.

Every institution is unique, and so is our approach.
We tailor our solutions to your specific needs and situation. We focus on what matters most: helping you succeed in a safe and secure way, free from financial crime.

Let FINTRAIL be your partner in fighting financial crime.