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Company Detail

Dagiz Pte. Ltd.

Advisory / Consultancy / Law Firm
Environment, Social, Governance
Company ID
SFA Member
Business Model
Business Est.
>5 year(s)
Singapore (HQ)
Hinrich Foundation Sustainable Business Award 2023

She Loves Tech Top 3 (2023)

Finalist President's Challenge Social Enterprise Award 2019
Market for Good is a dynamic and forward-thinking organization committed to creating positive change. With a portfolio of over 40 corporate clients, we have established ourselves as a trusted partner in fostering sustainability.

Our dedication to responsible business practices has inspired the creation of a unique sustainable measurement tool, setting benchmarks for social and environmental impact.

At the heart of Market for Good is a passionate and dedicated professional team, supported by an esteemed advisory board. Together, we strive to push boundaries and lead the way in sustainable business practices, making a meaningful contribution to the world.

Our mission is to lead change where business meets purpose, and success is defined by impact.