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Company Detail

Pundi X Labs Pte. Ltd.

Digital Assets
Company ID
SFA Member
Business Model
B2B  B2C  
Business Est.
Since 2017
Not Specified
FinTech Certified
Pundi X is a blockchain-based fintech company with a mission to make blockchain technology accessible to everyone. We operate globally in 7 different countries. All of our team members are technology focused with a broad spectrum of expertise from coding to finance and from marketing to legal and regulatory. Our products have been shipped to over 30 countries including Argentina, Brazil, El Salvador, South Korea, Turkey, Taiwan, Uganda, the USA and more. We have grown from 15 people in 2017 to nearly 100 in 2022.

We are proud to be a community-driven project and we have a very strong and engaged community across social media platforms. We are honored to be listed among the top 50 most intriguing emerging Fintech companies by KPMG in 2018. Pundi X headquarters operates in compliance with Singapore’s Payment Services Act and the Regulations of the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Pundi X has been granted an exemption from holding a license under that Act for our specific payment services while our license application is under review. Pundi X is a founding member of Asosiasi Blockchain Indonesia and also active in other blockchain associations globally.