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Company Detail

PRecious Communications

Advisory / Consultancy / Law Firm
Technology, Media and Telecommunications
Company ID
SFA Member
Business Model
Business Est.
>5 year(s)
Singapore (HQ), Australia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam

PRecious Communications is an award-winning, integrated, communications consultancy, with a dedicated service offering called Sparks that focuses on high growth start-ups and emerging tech. Having worked with close to 500 start-ups, some backed by luminaries like Eduardo Saverin, the Sparks team has helped their start-up clients raise a combined sum of more than US$10 billion from seed-stage rounds through to IPO, RTO, ICO and M&A.

This team of specialists are united by a passion for crafting compelling narratives to address your marketing communications challenges and help you showcase your “why”. PRecious adopts a highly targeted approach to media and stakeholder engagement rooted in strategic planning, impactful content, as well as flawless execution, instead of a spray-and-pray approach.

PRecious comprises a growing team of close to 100 motivated, thoughtful and entrepreneurial consultants across key markets in Southeast Asia, including Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines and Australia. Through our global partnerships, PRecious is able to provide international coverage in markets such as India, Hong Kong, Germany, France, UK, Netherlands, USA, Canada and Latin America.