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Company Detail

Flywire Singapore Pte. Ltd.

Payments and Wallets
Company ID
SFA Member
Business Model
B2B  B2C  B2B2C  
Business Est.
Since 2015
United States (HQ), Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, Lithuania, Others, Singapore, United Kingdom
MAS License
Major/Standard/Exempt Payment Institution (Domestic or Cross-border Money Transfer)

Major/Standard/Exempt Payment Institution (Merchant Acquisition)
FinTech Certified
2017 MAS Singapore Fintech Festival Award
Flywire is a global payments platform that simplifies complex payment processes, particularly for large-sum transactions such as international tuition payments, healthcare bills and business-to-business payments. Founded in 2009, Flywire streamlines the payment experience by offering a secure, digital platform that connects individuals, businesses and institutions worldwide.

The platform addresses common challenges associated with cross-border transactions, such as high fees, slow processing times, and currency conversion complexities. It provides users with a convenient and transparent way to make and receive payments across borders, supporting various payment methods including bank transfers, credit/debit cards and digital wallets.

One of Flywire's key features is its ability to offer competitive exchange rates, often lower than those provided by traditional banks. This ensures that customers receive the best value for their money when conducting international transactions. Additionally, Flywire's robust compliance and security measures give users peace of mind throughout the payment process.

Flywire caters to a diverse range of industries including education, healthcare, travel and business services. Its user-friendly interface, multilingual support and personalized customer service contribute to its widespread adoption among individuals and organizations worldwide.

Overall, Flywire revolutionizes the way people and businesses handle cross-border payments, offering efficiency, cost-effectiveness, compliance and security in an increasingly interconnected global economy.