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Company Detail

Advanced Processing Systems (APS) Pte. Ltd.

Payments and Wallets
Company ID
SFA Member
Business Model
B2B  B2B2C  
Business Est.
>5 year(s)
Singapore (HQ)
Advanced Processing Systems is a unique Singapore based Fintech with a 20+ year history. Historically we have been focused on payments technology projects and consulting services for the major card schemes, banks and non-bank FIs with client success stories throughout APAC and Europe. In the last five years we have diversified our business via the development of new products and services such as: Scheme Fee analytics, visualisation and optimisation for card acquirers and issuers, payments systems risk and compliance diagnostic testing and analysis and a B2B digital commerce platform offering the complete range of payment methods from cards, bank transfers, digital wallets and cryptocurrency for B2B invoicing and payment collection.