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Company Detail

BUFF Fintech JSC

Company ID
SFA Member
Business Model
Business Est.
Since 2019
Vietnam (HQ)
BUFF is a digital wealth management platform with a focus on fixed-income investments, tailored to meet the needs of both novice and intermediate investors. Our platform is meticulously crafted to offer extensive financial guidance and effortless access to a spectrum of dynamic investment solutions, placing a premium on flexibility and user-friendly interfaces. At the heart of our mission lies the empowerment of small and medium-scale investors, equipping them with the tools to construct a resilient financial future. Established with a clear mandate to address the unmet requirements of underserved small investors, often sidelined by traditional financial institutions, BUFF is dedicated to democratizing access to a diverse array of investment opportunities. We are committed to providing avenues for financial growth that extend beyond conventional banking savings, thereby fostering inclusivity and opportunity in the realm of wealth management.